Canadian Digital Adoption Program ( CDAP )

The Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) is a valuable initiative to help small and medium-sized businesses take advantage of digital marketing. With funding in the form of grants and loans, as well as consulting services, the CDAP aims to support up to 160,000 SMBs across Canada. It’s a great opportunity for companies that are seeking to expand.

Boost your marketing initiatives with a grant of up to $15,000!

Canadian Digital Adoption Program ( CDAP )

Expanding your audience

By applying to the CDAP, your company will benefit from expanded access to a global audience. The digital age has opened the doors to a borderless marketplace. By adopting effective digital marketing strategies, you can reach customers far beyond your current geographic location. CDAP helps you seize this opportunity.

Sales and revenue growth

Digital adoption isn't just about reach, it's also about efficiency. With the right support and tools, digital marketing can significantly increase your sales and revenues. CDAP offers the resources you need to create digital marketing strategies that deliver real results.

Dominance in the competitive landscape

In today's business world, failure to embrace digital is equivalent to staying behind. With THE CDAP, you can not only keep pace, you can stay ahead of the competition. By using the latest digital marketing technologies and strategies, you can stand out from the crowd and gain a valuable competitive edge.

Join the wave of success: Over 100,000 businesses have already benefited from the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP). Now it's your turn!

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Did you know ?

Companies that have opted for the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) have seen a significant increase in their sales. Digital isn’t just a trend, it’s a major engine for growth!

What are the criteria required to qualify for the subsidy ?

Canadian Digital Adoption Program ( CDAP )

Incorporation or registration

You must be either a provincially or federally incorporated company, or an individual entrepreneur residing in Canada, operating a private, for-profit business.

500k in sales

Your company must have achieved annual sales of $500,000 in one of the last three fiscal years.

Company size

Your company must have between one and 499 employees to be eligible for the CDAP grant, thus falling within the scope of Canadian SMEs.

Why hesitate? The time to do something is now!


Frequently asked questions and answers

Nous sommes là pour vous aider à répondre à toutes vos interrogations et à construire une vision claire et éclairée. Que vous ayez des questions sur nos services, notre démarche ou nos engagements, notre équipe est prête à vous fournir des réponses complètes et précises. Nous croyons en la puissance de l’information pour vous aider à prendre des décisions éclairées et à réaliser vos objectifs. N’hésitez pas à poser vos questions et à partager vos idées, car ensemble, nous pouvons façonner un avenir prometteur.

The grant amount depends on a number of factors, such as the size of your company, its sector of activity and the type of digital projects you are planning. After receiving an assessment of your application, if you are accepted into the program, a digital advisor will help you develop a personalized digital plan. The amount of the grant will be determined on the basis of this plan and will be awarded to you within 30 days of its approval.

If you meet the eligibility criteria mentioned above and if each business you own is a separate entity with a unique business number, then you have the opportunity to apply for a grant for each of these businesses. However, it is crucial to submit an individual application for each business.

Unfortunately, in order to be eligible for a grant from CDAP, your business must have generated a minimum revenue of $500,000 in at least one of the past three fiscal years. Startup businesses that do not meet this criterion may not be eligible.

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